I am one of those people who usually falls asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and then don't wake up until the alarm clock sounds (if even then). This baby making business is certainly changing that. I spent most of last night laying in bed trying to figure out our odds of having a baby on this first try and the extra cost if we don't.
The egg donor that we selected has previously donated, in which case they retrieved nine eggs. At first this sounded like a pretty good number (it only takes one!), but after a bit of internet research, this sounds on the low side. Then I started thinking about the odds that they'd fertilize. Say 65% successful fertilization, we'd have 6 eggs. Maybe 4 would be good enough to transfer and the other two aren't worth freezing for a second attempt. Then maybe a 50/50 shot for pregnancy test result.
I know that it isn't simple math and there are million factors, I guess I am just trying to prepare myself. As the worrier in our relationship, it's impossible not to let my mind go there. The eggs haven't even been retrieved yet and I am already experiencing the stress of being a parent!
I didn't think I'd be be obsessing over follicle counts, much less know what they are. We got an email from Dr Shivani this morning saying that everything is on track for our arrival next week and the egg collection. She said that the antral follicle count is close to 20. According to google, that could mean anything, so for now, I am focusing on the fact that it is higher than zero!
I have to pinch myself every once in a while to remind myself that this is really happening. This time next week, I will be standing up from my desk.
To get in my car.
To go to the airport.
To get on a plane.
To land in India.
To start our family.