Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Round 2

Following our negative result last week, we've transferred a large chuck of change over to SCI for round 2.  We didn't want to waste anytime trying again.  Getting the ball rolling again really helped us have something to look forward to, rather than dwelling on the failed attempt.

This time around, they are going to take 4 of the frozen 2 day old embryos and let them try to develop into 5 day embryos.  If any develop that far, they will use a laser to assist in hatching to improve our chances.  SCI says that they have a 60% success rate with this process, so fingers crossed.

Since only some of embryos survive the thaw and even fewer develop to blastocyst, we're likely looking at having one good embryo.  As long as we don't have zero, we're happy.  If anyone has experience with this, we're curious to know how many you thawed vs. how many made it to blastocyst.

We are scheduled to transfer again near the end of next month.  In the meantime, we just wait!


  1. Hey Glad to hear you are trying again so soon, thats exactly what we did! We had a negative first and then did exactly the same process that you are going through with our son Beau. We had 4 embryo's left which were defrosted, then left to get to blastocyst stage and laser assisted hatching too....we ended up transferring 2 good quality embryos and one ok 3 in total, we don't know which one took but it worked!! Looking forward to hearing good news soon as we are just 5 weeks and 4 days so will be in Delhi at the same time! Good luck!!!

    1. Well if this attempt works, maybe we'll get to meet the adorable Mr Beau!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really hope this time works out for you guys. We also just sent a chunk of change over for our try number 2. Here's hoping we meet in 9 months in Delhi and that our kids have a play-date in the nursery.

    1. Fingers crossed for you guys too. A play-date sounds like a great plan!

  3. Good luck guys!!! We are looking at egg retrieval late next cool if we could all meet up in dehli??

    1. That would be great! Good luck on your egg retrieval!

  4. Sounds like a solid plan. Best wishes!

  5. So glad you guys are moving forward quickly. Don't dwell on what you can't control and move on to what you can. Great that will be sure to make you fathers soon. Wishing you a lot of luck and keep us posted. As always, thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm so glad to hear you guys trying again - fingers crossed for you!!!

  7. We got our beloved daughter during our first attempt and then froze the rest.

    7 months ago we decided to go for a sibling for Alwina and luckily we are now 31 weeks with twins. For this attempt we transferred 4 frozen embryos and there were three of them that survived. We had to do a reduction in week 10-11. The embryos transferred wasn´t that good quality but three out of four made it!!!


    There is a lot of luck and of course need of good, experienced doctors to be successful.

    Good luck - hope to hear some good news in a couple of weeks.

  8. So glad you're trying again. We went a 2nd round as soon as possible too. This round had 4 frozen embryos which all 4 made it to blastocyst with ALH. We're now 8 weeks with twins.

    Good luck guys...sending bucket loads of baby dust your way!

    1. Send some of that luck this way! Congrats again on your two heartbeats!

  9. Sending postive thoughts your way, fingers and toes crossed x

  10. Wishing you guys all the best. Fingers crossed!

  11. Guys so glad you purchased another ticket to ride. Babydust your way ! BFP BFP BFP !!!

  12. Good plan, it sounds as though others have had lots of success down this route so think positively please! Hope that we get to meet as you know we are only 4 1/2 weeks along! :) Good Luck and hope so much this is the one that sticks around :) SR x

  13. We will have our fingers, toes...and everything else!....crossed for you :) Here's looking forward to a BFP soon. It only takes one of those precious embies :)

  14. Glad you're trying again! Rubbing my belly for ya--sending lots of sticky vibes your way! :)
