Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The liquor is adequate

Our surrogate is still in the hospital and there is still an area of subchorionic bleed covering 3/4 of the sac.  I guess we should just be happy that it hasn't gotten worse!

The good news is that the heartbeat is going strong at 167 BPM and the baby is measuring a week ahead of schedule.  Also, the nuchal lucency test came back normal and a nasal bone can be seen in the scan.  Woohoo!

With the bleed scare, the liquor has been adequate in calming me the eff down, but I am not sure how that relates to the baby's health?

We were looking forward to telling all friends and family next week that we're going to be parents, but, considering the past two scares and the fact that our surrogate is still in the hospital, we're probably going to wait a few weeks.

All in all, we're feeling pretty positive about how things are going.  As long as that little heartbeat keeps beating and the baby keeps growing, we're happy!  Knowing that our surrogate is under nearly constant observation helps.  I hope she isn't bored out of her mind.

In other news, Brent's dad came to visit us for a little mini-vacation.  He is currently living in Vietnam, so the last time that we saw him was at our wedding.  He brought us some cool baby clothes from Vietnam (he is one of the few people who knows).  We went to Vancouver for the weekend and had a great time.    Beautiful place!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back in the hospital

What a rollercoaster surrogacy is.  I am sure I am preaching to the choir in most instances.

This morning we received our 10 week scan.  The baby is measuring at 10 weeks (right on track) and the heart rate is normal (150), but there is more subchorionic bleeding.  We've been through this last month and it cleared up quickly.  This time round has me a bit more worried because the bleed covers 3/4 of the sac, while last time it was only adjacent to the sac.  It just sounds more serious.  Dr. Google is no help.

Our surrogate is back in the hospital and on bed rest, so we should hopefully hear some better news the day after tomorrow (tomorrow is Independence Day in India).  In the meantime, I am trying to focus on the positive things to be thankful for:

1.  The baby's growth is on track
2.  These bleeds often clear up
3.  The surrogate isn't in pain.
4.  She is receiving excellent care

I need to lay off of the caffeine and google.  Brent, as usual, is as cool as a cucumber (I am thankful for that, too).  

Having said all of that, the awesome Bernadette has finally made it home after nearly 5 months in India, so maybe I should stop my complaining.  :)

Positive thoughts!

Charlie & Brent

Friday, August 3, 2012

7 Week Scan

We received a seven week scan this week, following the recommendation from the obstetrician & the bleed scare.  The scan was good and the little one is measuring at 7w6d, so we're at 8 weeks already.  Crazy!

The only bad news is that we're pretty sure that the baby is actually Chang from the television show, Community.